Standing Orders
Monthly donations are gratefully received, and also help us with financial forward planning
In-person donations
Payments can be made in cash, or using our SumUp card machine after our Sunday Meetings
Suggested donations
Our monthly running costs are approx. £80 p/m, so our suggested donation is £3- £8 per meeting/ or monthly SO. However, if you aren't able to donate, you are still very welcome at our meetings.
Space for Soul is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. As such, we are dependent on the support of our members, friends and followers to meet the costs associated with our meetings (which includes venue hire, website costs, speakers and insurance).
The donations we receive will also help us to continue to develop Space for Soul in the future, including organising more keynote speakers and community events and activities.
Thank you to all those who have supported us- we are very grateful.
Space for Soul is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation. As such, we are dependent on the support of our members, friends and followers to meet the costs associated with our meetings (which includes venue hire, website costs, speakers and insurance).
The donations we receive will also help us to continue to develop Space for Soul in the future, including organising more keynote speakers and community events and activities.
Thank you to all those who have supported us- we are very grateful.
Account name: Spaceforsoul
Account no. 44417360
Sort code: 30-18-88
Payment reference: Donations