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Becoming a member 

Would you like to become a member of Spaceforsoul? Membership is free and all you have to do is fill in a simple membership form. You don't have to attend any of our meetings or events in order to join us. There are no 'creeds' to sign up to, no conditions to fulfil and no need to take on any tasks or responsibilities as part of your membership. It couldn't be easier.


Whether you are part of our local Bristol-based community or our wider online community, anyone who is comfortable with our ethos, supports our aims and participates in Spaceforsoul in any way can become a member.


Even if all you are able to do is receive our newsletters, use the resources on our website, becoming a member can not only help you feel a part of our growing community but also give you the opportunity to help shape its future.


You can sign up for our monthly updates on the general email list, for general information about Space for Soul and resources, or the Soul Space information list, for details about our meetings at Eastville Old Library and on Zoom, or both.


Your information is held securely, used for sharing Space for Soul information sharing only, and will never be shared with a third party. You can request that your information be deleted and unsubscribe at any time by emailing:


N.B. You do not have to be a member of Spaceforsoul to attend events and courses, receive our newsletters or contribute to the work of the community.  



Membership benefits


Being a member of Spaceforsoul currently brings with it a number of benefits - for example, reduced rates for some Spaceforsoul events; the ability to vote at the AGM and other General Meetings; and the opportunity to play an active part in shaping the future of Spaceforsoul.

Membership Form
What to sign up for

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Alternatively you can request a membership form at





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Everyone is very welcome 

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