Book recommendations
The following is a list of some of the books which Spaceforsoul members have found helpful in their spiritual journeys. It is by no means exhaustive and we will be adding to it from time to time as we come across new books.
If you have come across a particular book which is not listed here and which you have found helpful in your spiritual journeying, please let us know by emailing us at:
Religion and spirituality:
Karen Armstrong (1999) A History of God. New edition. Vintage Press
David Elkins (1998) Beyond Religion: A personal program for building a spiritual life outside the walls of traditional religion. Quest Books
Mary Fisher (2011) Living Religions. Eighth edition. Laurence King
David Hay (2006) Something There: The biology of the human spirit. Darton, Longman & Todd
William James (1985) The Varieties of Religious Experience. Penguin Books
Gordon Lynch (2007) New Spirituality: An introduction to belief beyond religion. Tauris
Thomas Moore (2015) A Religion of One's Own : A guide to creating a personal spirituality in a secular world. Gotham Books
Huston Smith (2009) The World’s Religions. HarperOne
David Tacey (2004) The Spirituality Revolution: The emergence of contemporary spirituality. Routledge
Barbara Brown Taylor (2009) An Altar in the World: Finding the sacred beneath our feet. Canterbury Press
Progressive Christianity:
Marcus Borg (2015) The heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a life of faith. Bravo​ Ltd
Marcus Borg (1995) Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The historical Jesus and the heart of contemporary faith. Reprint. HarperSanFrancisco
Cynthia Bourgeault (2008) The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming heart and mind – a new perspective on Christ and his message. Shambhala
Diana Butler Bass (2017) Grounded: Finding God in the World: A spiritual revolution. HarperOne
Rob Bell (2012) Love Wins: At the heart of life's big questions. Collins
Cynthia Bourgeault (2008) The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming heart and mind – a new perspective on Christ and his message. Shambhala
David Felten and Jeff Proctor-Murphy (2012) Living the Questions: The wisdom of progressive Christianity. Harper One
Rachel Held Evans (2014) Faith Unraveled: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask Questions. Zondervan
Rachel Held Evans (2018) Inspired. Thomas Nelson
Brian McLaren (2011) A New Kind of Christianity: Ten questions that are transforming the faith. Hodder & Stoughton
Brian McLaren (2017) The Great Spiritual Migration: How the world's largest religion is seeking a better way to be Christian. Hodder & Stoughton.
John Philip Newell (2014) The Rebirthing of God: Christianity's struggle for new beginnings. Skylight Paths
Paul Smith (2012) Integral Christianity: The Spirit's call to evolve. Paragon House
John Shelby Spong (2001) Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop speaks to believers in exile. New edn. HarperOne
John Shelby Spong (2013) Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World. Reprint. HarperOne
Dave Tomlinson (2013) How to be a Bad Christian… And a better human being. Hodder & Stoughton
Dave Tomlinson (2015) The Bad Christian's Manifesto: Reinventing God and other modest proposals. Hodder & Stoughton
The spiritual journey:
​​Carol Christ (1986) Diving Deep and Surfacing: Women writers on spiritual quest. Second edition. Beacon Press
David Elkins (1998) Beyond Religion: A personal program for building a spiritual life outside of traditional religion. Quest Books
Maria Harris (1991) Dance of the Spirit: The seven steps of women’s spirituality. Bantam Doubleday
Alan Jamieson (2008) Chrysalis: The hidden transformation in the journey of faith. Paternoster
Sue Monk Kidd (1996) The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A woman’s journey from Christian tradition to the sacred feminine. Harper One
Sue Monk Kidd (2006) When the Heart Waits: Spiritual direction for life’s sacred questions. HarperOne
Gordon Lynch (2003) Losing My Religion: Moving on from evangelical faith. Darton, Longman & Todd
Harry Moody & David Carroll (1999) The Five Stages of the Soul: Charting the spiritual passages that shape our lives. Rider
John O’Donohue (1999) Anam Cara: Spiritual wisdom from the Celtic world. Bantam Books
John O’Donohue (2000) Eternal Echoes: Exploring our hunger to belong. Bantam Books
Margaret Silf (1998) Landmarks: An Ignatian journey. Darton, Longman & Todd
Thomas Moore (1992) Care of the Soul. Piatkus
Richard Rohr (2011) Falling Upwards: A spirituality for the two halves of life. Jossey Bass
Joyce Rupp (1999) Dear Heart, Come Home: The path of midlife spirituality. Crossroad
Barbara Brown Taylor (2011) Leaving Church: A memoir of faith. Canterbury Press